This is an archive of openware courses related to computer science, machine learning, physics and mathematics.
Computer Science Fundamentals
- Berkley CS61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Berkley CS61B: Data Structure
- Berkley CS61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture
- MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms
- MIT 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Artifitial Intelligence
Machine Learning
- Stanford CS229: Machine Learning
- CMU 10-601: Machine Learning by Tom Mitchell & Maria-Florina Balcan
- CMU 10-601: Machine Learning by Roni Rosenfeld
- CMU 10-701: Machine Learning by Tom Mitchell (2011)
- CMU 10-701: Machine Learning by Eric Xing & Matt Gormley
- CMU 10-701: Machine Learning by Alex Smola
- CMU 10-715: Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning
- CMU 10-702 Statistical Machine Learning
- CMU 10-605 Machine Learning with Large Datasets
- UBC CPSC 540 Machine Learning
- Caltech Learning from Data
- Oxford Machine Learning
- Berkley CS 189 Introduction to Machine Learning (Video Removed)
- Stanford Statistical Learning
- Berkley CS 281B Scalable Machine Learning
Graphical Model
Deep Learning
- Stanford CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- Berkley CS294: Deep Reinforcement Learning
- MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars
- Stanford CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- Stanford EE364a Convex Optimization I
- Stanford EE364b Convex Optimization II
- CMU 10-725 Convex Optimization
- CMU 10-801 Advanced Optimization and Randomized Methods
- MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra
- MIT 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability
- Cambridge Information Theory, Pattern Recognition, and Neural Networks
- Theoretical Minimum Series by Leonard Susskind
- MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics
- International Winter School on Gravity and Light
- PSI Fellow Lie Groups and Lie Algebras